Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Looking Younger Begins From The Inside Out

Collagen in Colvita will allow you to supply your body with most important nutrients, vitamins and minerals helping yield more radiant, beautiful and youthful skin. 


There are tons of products out there for this, that and the other, offering false promises, so it's difficult to know which ones to trust and which ones are bogus. So … we called on expert nutritionist, Joy Bauer to give us some skin care tips. She is the nutrition/health expert for "The Today Show" and she advises everyone from the New York City Ballet ballerinas to famous actors and Olympic athletes. Here she shares what the top age-fighting vitamins are, and explains which foods contain these vitamins and how much of these foods you need to eat to get optimum benefits. You might be surprised to find out that some of your favorite foods are already packing a big anti-aging punch, but if not, her advice might inspire you to incorporate a few new foods into your next meal. 


Explore how these anti-aging skin care tips will help you eat and drink years off

Posted via email from COLLAGENELIFE

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