Monday, December 28, 2009


Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year 2010.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Collagen Colvita For Natural Health, Youth & Beauty

Young people have pituitary glands that produce and abundance of GH the substance produced by the body and known as Growth Hormone.

The emphasis is transferred to collagen as you age, because of the steady decrease of the hormone. The function of converting body's natural protein molecules into essential amino acids required by it is performed by Collagen.

Thus, collagen performs the important maintenance function of the body.

Read more: COLVITA

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Skin Care Routine Simple & Precise.

Do you want to hear an interesting fact?

Most people don’t know how to go through basic skin care steps.

Below, you will find the best way to go through a basic skin care process that you can complete daily.

Let’s begin with some background information, shall we?

The best way to care for your skin is to make sure that you don’t care for it too much.

Confused? Well, you see, the more that we mess with our skin, the more that natural collagen will be stripped away from the skin.

In short, it’s best to keep your skin care routine simple and precise.

How? Well, start with the steps listed below:

Read more: Skin Care Routine

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Berry Radical - How Much Caffeine Does Berry Radical Contain?

Interesting research on caffeine in the field of homeopathy indicates caffeine’s stimulating effect when cooked, but not when eaten raw.

One experiment conducted with a decoction of roasted ground cacao beans in boiling water produced an excitement of the nervous system similar to that caused by black coffee and an excited state of circulation, demonstrated by an accelerated pulse. Notably, when the same decoction was made with raw, unroasted cacao beans neither effect was noticeable.

For mor info please visit: Berry Radical

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Berry Radical - Why Did You Make A Powder Instead Of A Juice?

By utilising raw, freeze-dried powders we have concentrated all the nutrition from the fruits and berries into a much more potent,nutrient dense form.

Which is why 1 box of berry radical is equivalent to 12 bottles of mangosteen juice 17 bottles of goji juice and 41 bottles of noni juice,in terms of antioxidant capacity.

Our organic fruit and berry powders are highly concentrated foods, with all the nutrients and enzymes in the fresh fruit. Only water has been removed.

Gram for gram, powders are far more potent and concentrated than waterdown juices.

Many fruits are more than 90 percent water, which mean you get at least 10 times the nutrients in a freeze-dried fruit than the fresh fruit or a rehydrated juice.

Powders do not require the preservatives that juices do.

The freeze drying process does not kill the enzymes. It puts them in a state of suspended animation.

They are brought back to life by adding the Berry Radical to liquid.

For more info please visit: Berry Radical