Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gentle Exfoliant or Garnet Exfoliant

Step 2 – Exfoliate
You will need: A bowl of warm water

A steamed towel (steam towel in rice cooker and soak in lemon myrtle shampoo/ hand soap, or soak under hot, running water and squeeze)

Gentle Exfoliant or Garnet Exfoliant
Squeeze a small amount of exfoliant onto fingertips and GENTLY massage onto damp skin using a small circular motion, paying particular attention to T-zone if necessary. (25 applications 1 teaspoon per application).

A build up of dead skin cells causes a rough and dull appearance. Removing the top layers of dehydrated cells oxygenates the skin and speeds up the rate of cell growth, promoting a youthful, glowing skin.

For more info please visit: Exfoliate

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