Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Makes A Product Organic?

The word "organic" has been thrown around a lot lately, but what does it mean? Are some things considered organic while others are not? Who decides what is organic and what is not? Do any of these things really matter when it comes to your skin? The answer is “yes” -all of these things matter when it comes to finding the right health and beauty products for your skin.

Why does organic matter? Since your skin will absorb any product that you put on it, it makes a lot of sense to consider the ingredients inside of any beauty product. In order for a product to be labelled “organic,” it must pass strict standards. Each country has a specific set of organic standards that all products must adhere to, though most countries have the same basic guidelines.

Essentially, an organic product must be safe enough to consume even if you don’t intend to consume it at all. Why? Well, just think about it – if you wouldn’t put a product in your mouth, why would you put it on your skin? Many people don’t think about what their skin absorbs when they purchase various beauty products. However, you should think long and hard about the products that you are purchasing.

For the most part, you won’t find any type of strange ingredient listed on the back of an organic beauty product. What you will find are ingredients that you are familiar with. Most of the time, these ingredients consists of things that you have consumed at one time or another. Still, there are some products out there that claim to be organic…even when they are not.

For more info please visit: Organic Products

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