Scientific studies show that women in per-menopausal period causes a number of diseases of the bone system and genitals.
In urinary-genital system the disturbances of genitals and urinary tracts trophics and statics are most common.
Collagen deficit in women in this period of their lives, used hormone replacement therapy results in the increase of hydrated type II and III collagen store in the urinary-genital system.
The lack or small production volume of type II and III collagen in extracellular space.
- Regenerates the cellular and connective-tissue structures of the sexual organ, restoring their vitality.
- Improves the static of the genital organ after childbirths spent and gynecological operations, especially with the damage to the action of urethral sphincter (such troubles as the lowering of the front and rear wall of the vagina, effort-related incontinence of urine even the prolapse of the uterus).
- Immunizes the epithelium against traumas and inflammatory states, it regenerates the mucous membrane of the vagina.
- Increases the comfort of the lower section of the genital organ, also during the sexual intercourse, which has a particular significance with the insufficient action of moistening glands.
- Protects the biological cleanliness of the vagina, it fosters the hygiene and health of external genitals of girls and women, especially of women at their menopausal and senile time.
- Is a perfect nursing preparation for oncological illnesses, in such cases when it is impossible to apply the hormonal substitute therapy while its effects are desirable, and in inflammatory states.
- When it is impossible to apply the hormonal substitute therapy while its effects are desirable.