Does your skin need to be recharged? Are the bags under your eyes becoming so big that they may soon need their own provincial flag and seal? Before you prepare to assault your lovely mug with strange veggie mask concoctions and cucumber eye patches, perhaps you will consider another option with amazing results that does not require surgery or numerous painful injections in your dermatologist’s office.
CollageneLife Intl is fast becoming widely known for our unique and innovative approach to anti-aging remedies and natural skin care products. We believe that you do not need cosmetic surgery or injections of foreign chemicals to improve the glow and look of your skin. Our creation of the Natural Collagen Q5-26 gel formula is already revolutionizing the skin care industry by dealing with your collagen problem on a cellular level in stead of only smoothing out your skin. We want to fix the issue, not just put a band-aid over it.
CollageneLife Intl is making yet another incredible impact and contribution to beautiful skin everywhere with Collagen Iontophoresis. The procedure itself is nothing new under the sun; you can request Iontophoresis treatments from your dermatologist anytime. So what makes our product so different and amazing? We are the first skin care company to take Iontophoresis and scale it down into a user friendly, at-home kit. Imagine having anytime access to this superb quality treatment without needing to ditch your robe and step outside of your front door.
Collagen Iontophoresis is packed for five uses over a two week period. And while no one is twisting your arm, for best results you will want to give your skin that little charge up all five times. The kit includes two eye patch applicators, the specially mixed collagen serum, and our very own Eye’s Elixir. We know that you will be absolutely thrilled and satisfied with the look and feel of your “super charged” skin. We have discovered the beauty in the science, and we are giving it to you.
For more info please visit: Iontophoresis