The energy in our bodies, which is the energy of health, is regulated or told what to do by a higher energy above it acting just like a program. These programs control processes such as breathing and the expansion and contraction of the lungs and for the lungs it resides in the upper back. When this program becomes contaminated with the toxic energy of pollution it causes the lungs to contract. Result: asthma. Drawing out this energy allows the program and breathing to return to normal.
So many illness in us are caused by the pollution of the program which controls the energies that lead to health and as always the cleaning out of toxic energy is the place to start when healing.
Energy programs also control our DNA. These programs get contaminated which changes the way the

After the cleaning out by the washing powder - see my youtube videos showing how to do this on jakerich3 - comes the restoration of depleted energy which is what I'm working on now and is very interesting. Take collagen for instance which I see as becoming more and more important to the type of healing I do and is a good illustration of this point about energy depletion.
It seems to me, and this is early days yet, that an awful lot of problems in the body with the joints, cartilage, soft tissue, discs - anywhere that uses collagen - is caused by the energy depletion of collagen. Even though the physical material of collagen may be in a person, its energy is gone, depleted, like a battery thats run down. This depletion leads to strains, injury, slipped discs, skin conditions and loads of other mechanical problems.
I think this happens a lot. The body runs out of the energy of a substance it needs, such as collagen, and is then unable to use the substance itself. Or something takes the energy of that substance out of a person. That feels right, but I don't know what or how.
With collagen I think its energy is distributed into the body from the discs of the lower back into the muscles. From the muscles it goes to the ligaments and tendons then the soft tissues and skin. It forms an energy framework that the physical material of collagen follows. Its a principle of my way of healing that matter follows energyIts depletion of this energy which causes mechanical problems because, if the energy is low in the muscles, the muscles will pull back energy from the ligaments and joints, which will pull it back from the skin. The muscles would do this so they can remain strong and function. This will lead to injury in the depleted areas such as the ligaments and tendons because they have been left energy 'weak'. It will also lead to skin conditions such as eczema, I believe.
So the method I am working on to heal say tennis elbow, would be to place collagen with batteries each side of the spine on the lower back, so the collagen energy goes into the discs of the lower back and from there its distributed throughout the body. Although the discs in the lower back wont start to distribute energy until they are full themselves and have a surplus which may take quite a few sessions.
Placing the batteries and collagen directly on the elbow, as in tennis elbow, or even close to it which is my usual practice with some conditions, probably wouldn't work. I think it would take a lot of sessions to replenish all the energy needed, but I will be trying it soon and if successful be posting videos.